Thursday 18 August 2016

The Emerald Tablets Of Thoth

#Royalrevolutionoflove Katycat Hudson Katy Perry <3:xD,
in reply to your lyrics; "You are not a Man". Is this some kind of
problem? Am I meant to be sad? Am I finished in your life, discarded, unwanted,
abandoned? Does this mean that your inner soul yourself is spending its life
searching for a BODY, a body that withers and dies, a body that can 'ruin your
life' by merely taking a reality shot of the real you (your quote) with a
miniscule amount of time that it can 'live' up to the ideal or 'idol' that your
make-over team can dream up. But how do they keep their illusion going for any
meaningful amount of time? You would have to pay a taxidermist to maintain a
withering body, that wrinkles and dies regardless of the Photoshop airbrushing
of the animators of Hollywood from the 'dream studio' to search for a
non-existent dream that you conjure up after reading GQ or watching a romantic
movie at the height or pinnacle of its 'false idolatry' to maintain some
'thing' that does not in fact exist, apart from a stage, a cover of a magazine,
a film, a video, an illusion? A made up illusion that is a mere 'puff of smoke'
that goes 'pop' as soon as you wake up 1 hour earlier than last night’s sex
mate (which you made a point of telling me on a Friday night Alan Carr chat
show in the UK in December 2013 6 months before I contacted you once you had
possessed my daughter Queen Persephone which made a mockery of your bare face
lie that you only had 2 boyfriends since you married BRAND X, there I knew you
were a liar) nothing short of ultimate vanity with your dream to perpetuate yourself
‘glamorous’ via a makeover to put on your personal mask to hide something that
doesn't need hiding away 'YOU'. (What could you hope to gain by letting some
demon stick his black cock up your asshole and cum in your mouth after you have
gagged spit and cum all over your chin and naked breasts then suddenly get up
early for a makeover to impress him that he got a 10 when in GODS book a
Satanic Devil worshiping porno slut = YOU = 0). You could not possibly lie to
yourself that it exists and can be found, 'YOU', who is at the very pinnacle of
false-idolatry where you have become 'a dream' for 90 million teenagers
clicking on 'download' on mom and pops credit card account with a 3.46 second
awareness time span ( Average Katycat Katy Perry fan expends $1600 PA on Katy
Perry merchandise/music) of holding the Hollywood dream boat body double image
in their limited, MATRIXED imagination  before they click on Rihanna or
Beyonce for another 3 minute fantasy, seduced by the 'Heavenly' Inc.
reproduction make over studio, let us call it; 'Celestial Inc.', ding ding. Are
you in fact so limited in your desires that you of all people believe that you
will find your soul mate and one and only true love in a man’s 'reality if
life' reproduction desired from fantasy idols (but you get the unproduced model
at home, you marry the reality of man which leaves a bitter and twisted taste
in your mouth, every time without fail!) and that 'your ideal man' that you are
looking for can be reproduced in-front of you straight out of a photographed
fantasy photo shoot who has a team of (8 for your 'sparkle and shine like Katy'
COSMO UK photo shoot dripping with the 2nd best array of Diamonds your PR team
can get hold of, on loan from a Rodeo Drive or Bond Street jewellers).  Because Katy I know how you suffer; a mind
controlled babbling idiot you come across to GOD out for herself only in a
Satanic Illuminati agenda of I, I, I, who is this I? Well since June 2014 YOU
ARE GODSWIFE and since the 25th October 1984 you have been a cunt. A
cunt to yourself and to your family and I can add; TO THOSE POOR MIND
have me but you are two things above anything else 1) A Psychopath and 2) A
Sociopath. But to GOD your husband you have been an absolute bastard
personified this morning as I landed on a Fake porno site looked at how the
image of GODS wife is perceived and I find recent real porn sex shoots on it
staring GODS wife KATY PERRY whilst we were married. Some stranger on $30,000
PA, ugly one at that has his wicked demon eyed way with your willing naked
abused and degraded body about 6 months into our marriage. How do you think I
felt? Well yourself you demon cause your soul possessed me and you say
you can see thru my eyes and feel my pain so Dahlink Kitty Cat here is my
‘Revenge porn’ and Vlogs and Blogs that make you in GODS new energy and with
the human DNA shift, a paradigm shift where all you elitist Illuminati Satanic
whores are going to be stoned to death if I so desire for your behaviour but a
benevolent Holy Roman Empire Dictator must show 5 minutes of compassion,
understanding but if this is a human experience how can I forgive?
? NO husband ever can fully forgive infidelity from the one he loves enough to
marry. But my marriage guidance counsellor will tell you that if you came clean
apologised and let me shout at you for being what you are; ‘SCUM’. It would go
a long way to healing all the scars you have left on my cut, bruised and
battered soul, @yassminekatycat my soul you hurt my body cares 0 for you I can
barely maintain an erection looking at your degraded body but that is not the
point. The following links are the point about 2% of the war machine I have set
up to take you on and as always win. But does not our long distinguished
history count for anything? YOU KNOW SISTER ISIS my wife MUT? But all these
interesting details are what I wanted to discuss but look Katy my obsession is
either with cricket and football scores as anything so it’s you and I won’t
give in seeking justice and upholding the law you see slut I built DNA
programmed to evolve and also to have the knowledge of good and evil innately
inserted so you have no excuse to choose SATAN as your GOD and that’s full stop
as you have no excuses under the eyes of the law sorry no proper Judge will pay
attention to your briefs whimpering on about mind control fuck me I beat it and
discovered it and escaped I come to you wearing my war tunic and fully armed
not because your plebs operation of jokes like Esther Hicks tell me to, I only
acted you know the truth that to push the extra mile to actually have you was
beyond me in the old energy I was to be honest with you and I know what I know
but you are going to be given one final chance tonight and I know I have said
it before but you my dear are dealing with a re-pumped up version of the man
you made so ill with your torture tactics. But the story remains the same; I am
in human form a tad unfit and well probably as ugly as you, but my beauty
shines from within and your innards radiate ugliness even though you live in a photo
shopped and airbrushed world of make believe and I don’t believe. Well I can write
for eternity but I want some answers especially on the ‘PERFECT STORM’ of the
Orlando Bloom affair and the John Meyer and what do I find today….you doing
porn getting fucked for public consumption while we were married so that has
answered my main question; your only condition; NO OTHER MEN. NOW I AM going to
punish you in one of two ways 1) You are going to act a proper wife or 2) JAIL.
If you choose proper wife firstly you will be lost as what to do but a genuine
apology that I can understand because your Satanic Black Magic leaves me cold
not knowing the truth. You are a liar Katy but when I read or listen then I
usually read between the lines and looking at your written performance in your
songs and your lack of an auto biography and the fact that you can only string
a few words together on twitter and on Facebook msg your uneducated and
illiterate. Still I can’t sing can I and that’s two things we have in common
you can’t sing either and we are both perversely sexually driven! BUTT DON’T
don’t fancy me and unless I am drunk I won’t touch your defiled putrid body so
either I fuck you wearing a mask and NBC suit or we ourselves how you
put up fucking demon possessed ugly idiots in all your porn shoots and 2 cunts
uglier than me BRAND X and BLOOM n DOOM and @KatyIsMyBaby666 Meyer looks past
it to so do what a Royal wife does fucks for the kids got tit. As King of Kings
you either do your duty or DIVORCE me with my money and your future earnings in
my wallet and you go to Jail. See Katycatkins I AM tough as old boots and you
fell into marriage and you sold your soul to Baphomet ~ me. I AM not bargaining
with a Satanic POP tart like you. Now I will post this to Facebook, blogger +
tweet the links, tumblr and wordpress and the rest and you chat to me or by
morning my phone call to the Police will have occurred but I must have clarity
in my position so I can either enjoy the mind control you put me under or burn
you at the stake so to speak metaphorically. There a renewed sense of urgency
and purpose. By the way you would enjoy the ride with me and my $125,000,000
you are going to make an attempt to pay tomorrow at least a down payment of
note. There CONDITIONS or I will love you unconditionally with you in Jail and
me at Capitol Records looking for my money. Enjoy surfing below ha. AND
@KatyIsMyBaby666 read this: and forget your wealth, your house, your car and
don’t be a cunt all your life; CHOOSE LIFE, CHOOSE SHARING. Luh Ya. PS: if I
could write I LOVE YOU then remember ISIS could regain her power for
co-creation but if it is the Police route ‘you have no future’ what GOD gives
with his left hand he takes away with his right.

The earth is the
And everything
in it,
The world and
Who live in it.
Psalm 24: vs 1

Link Below; BY
THE ‘GRACE of GOD’ Live KATY PERRY, a beautiful ballad written by Katy to
commemorate her coming together in alignment with GOD to say Thank You as I
saved her life by bringing her back from the dead as her life had become so
desperate she wanted to end this one and begin again as an eternal being but I
reminded her she had sold her soul to the devil and until King David of Judea
and our Mother the Virgin Mary could retrieve it she would not be coming back. Katy
honoured her pledge to GOD for helping save her life by writing GODS favourite
ballad and also gave her soul to him to inhabit the aura of GOD along with the
other lost souls GOD is normally pleased to receive as GOD always makes merry
of any seemingly impossible situation to bare for e.g. KATY’s SOUL gave GOD a
taste of what being bipolar effective disorder and OCD is like HA HA BUTT GOD
learns quickly to live with it as once you have received the soul of one
bloodthirsty Transylvanian Transvestite COUNT DRACULA and learnt to live at
night feeling very bloodthirsty and by daylight spend your day within a small
enclosed ‘coffin’ butt controlling any urges to bite flesh. That was until GOD
began working for KATY PERRY when he married her in June 2014 especially in the
promotional photographic section where (don’t say a word to Katy) Katy’s photos
bring on a special urge to plunge the two front incisors of GODS big mouth into
Katy’s quite beautifully soft and welcoming neck!! And take a drink in the
‘last chance saloon’ (for KATY anyway GOD is well and truly a Vampire).

GOD: “I offer
Katy Perry NO Grace for she is the Whore of Babylon and her whole Musical
career is daily dissed by her orgs intention to defraud the Charts, the Awards
and the public. She uses mind control NAZI based to employ millions of KatyCats
to call her MOM and cheat vote for Awards and to ‘RISE’ the chart position by
manipulation I leave an example found 19/08/2016 on FACEBOOK for 13 year olds
Isn't she damn Hot??

Refresh the page again and again & Vote for
katy at 
#EMAs daily unlimitedly

-Chocolaty Anik
Short video of Katy showing her beaver in see thru skirt in front of 150K for
13 year olds to masturbate over her on Facebook/Snapchat as young as 8.

Katy Perry all
that you think you own and the $125,000,000 PA you don't tits all mine you
merely looked after tit for me as I am the worlds landlord and KATY THE RENT IS
#OMG #OMFG AND YOU ARE GOING TO PAY if not I will take your soul to New York
and stay for a few nights at my mistresses apartment and as you physical Katy
can see out of GODS eyes as you are ISIS the Goddess of Magic so expect me to
creep down Taylor Swift’s bedroom at night (not only for a pint of neck
#BADBLOOD) for what could be worse than KATY PERRY’s worse mortal enemy being
rogued by your husband and having to watch the sleek almost purrfect curves of
the blonde bombshell from Pennsylvania naked licking GOD crazy from Top to
Bottom whilst the best Katy can do is have an affair with an ugly middle earth
Dwarf Hobbit Elf out of work Actor who has 3 timed you and only a matter of
weeks ago was not only accused of two timing Katy with photoshoot to match Katy
got the ‘proof is in the pudding’ mortal embarrassment of yet another long
agonising queue at the STD clinic filling her adult nappies with green slime as
she caught a dose of Gonnoreah off him to sign for a large dose of Penicillin
and find herself an Adulteress sentenced to death by stoning by great Muslim
Prophet of Islam the IMAM Sheik of Tikrit. Here GOD has prepared Revenge Porn
and Blogs and Vlogs for your perusal being published on social media tonight
and presented to the British Police Force as evidence of Katy being a Satanic
Illuminati Devil Worshiping Black Occult Magic Witch ~ the WHORE of BABYLON and
one time Satan’s Whore (wife) as you also became a bigamist when you married
GOD as you were Satan’s wife at the time:-
Prepare yourself to be with God I am eternal, I am immortal,
I am ever present, I am elevated, a beam of light and a companion of the light
of the World, the power of God’s love is above you Katy showering down upon you
for you to bathe in my light. Feel me spreading thru you restoring your
equilibrium, restoring your awareness to return to your body.
The earth is the
And everything
in it,
The world and
Who live in it.

Psalm 24: vs 1

Abraham Hicks ~ Signs That You Are Expanding ~ Uploaded By Dreamunity333

@SupermodelKaty @katyperry @KatyPerry3Porn @Orlaty1
@katyperrypute @KatyPerrySatan @KatyPerry3Sporn @KingZeusKatycat
@KatyIsMyBaby666 @OlDirtyBastdGOD @GOD2KATYI5I5 
@katyperryfashn @ErzulieKatyPute 
@katyperrysex666 @KatyPerryTramp @KatyPerryHarlot @damballah

the latest real gossip + links on Katy Perry the Whore of Babylon ~ spreading
plague by unprotected sex with strangers, Taylor Swift stealing Katy's husband
after landing a feud blow with #BADBLOOD Katy Perry having SEX with the Devil
and Satanic Sexual rituals with KATY PERRY inserting a horses penis inside her
warm wet Vagina for the camera and Katy Perry breaking the GUINNESS Book of
records by being able to watch her have Anal Sex on a 1Billion websites. Katy
Perry an MK Ultra Monarch mind controlled victim learning to become the handler
on an evil mind control program for JESUS CHRIST of PALESTINE, Katy's WAR with
Taylor Swift who partnered Katy's husband to demolish the KATY PERRY MUSIC
MOGUL EMPIRE as Taylor and Caesar. KATY comes close to destroying mankind and
Planet Earth at the Superbowl 49ers and eventually her husband contacting the
Police over Katy's child sex abuse and Paedophilia. AND MORE MUCH MORE. KATY
PERRY is proved to be the WHORE of BABYLON who gets degraded, defiled and
abused in extreme snuff porno shoots usually with 2 black cocks up her ASSHOLE
having to smile and laugh for the camera to keep her POP career going. GOD
washes his hands of the #BadBlood Katy spilt on them with her EVIL nonsensical
DEVIL). Just see comments section on all living beings have the
choice to be part of the light grid to manifest a new earth based on love. This
about how the light grid functions on earth, simply explained. WHEN THE
sky and see energy flowing, you see the flower of love light created System B
WAVES) just read for awareness and do not put energy into it...only the violet
flame for transmuting to align to source? By knowing how it works you know
where to aim the violet flame:…/humanity-has-th…/ A foreign
race, DNA manipulation, Harp installations, Chemtrails, Cern, secret~space~programs,
the SSS vaccinations, mind control, genetic modified food, phones, screens.
Electrical wires etc. together they formed a low vibrating cage of Faraday.
HOW? = bending energy, empowering negative horizontal programing.(simply
explained) Let’s see how the "kings of the Ether “kept humanity in an
dualistic Illusion...What they Call "the Matrix" - Foreign race:
ethereal beings (Creators/fallen angels) sent to the lower vibrations to
experience their own creation, everything based on free will. These beings
formed a group with an advanced group of reptilians who had experienced the
lower dimensions and were on their way back to the higher dimensions. These
reptilian beings had incarnations as dinosaurs (example) and became master of
the lower dimensions by experiencing it themselves and therefore gaining
knowledge. Both groups combined their knowledge and have been ruling earth for
eons of time, after destroying many other planets on their way. The reptilians
are masters in DNA. This group genetically manipulated the Homo erectus to
create a slave race. They genetically manipulated the DNA to form a bridge for
communication. Telepathic communication was not possible. The Homo erectus
lived in the light and could not telepathically read the minds of these creator
beings, because their intent was not aligned to source...LOVE. The Homo erectus
was genetically manipulated and the language of the spoken word developed. The
creators knowing the power of words, being a transmitter and receiver. Words
have vibrations that trigger DNA. First there was light (idea/cause) and then
there was sound (effect/motion/action). The genetic manipulated Homo erectus
became Homo sapiens (thinking human/mind...instead of feeling the heart first),
reacting to energies/intent from an outside source. Your boss/master. A slave
race was created to do the physical hard labour for their dark one's
intentions. They only upgraded the DNA that resonates with the reptilian reflex
brain and therefore trying to leave the crested extra-terrestrial, angelic
brain dormant and also the "junk" DNA attached. They have kept
everyone in the matrix (spell) based on 2 basic fears: FEAROF LOSS AND FEAR OF
DEATH (NON EXISTANCE). IT IS FUNNY to think that Russel and John should both
had Katy Perry as a wife who as SATANS Whore of Babylon used to vibrate so high
a frequency but the truth in my case is that it was me vibrating so high during
our honeymoon period cause recently like the last 6 months I have noticed a
slowing down of Katy’s vibration to make me think she’s dead if it were not for
photos of her groping men up, having affairs, doing porn witch she provides for
me to hurt me by plunging psychic daggers in me. I would say her and I are
totally disconnected. After 2 years 1 month of marriage tit begs the question;
‘What is the point of KATY PERRY in my life’? Quite honestly she just makes me
feel ill. ANS: NONE. She has become a waste of my time and my life. I used up 2
of my 4 wishes from the Universe by securing her as mine but (and I long have
had my suspicions) the Universe is flawed. I can’t say that I myself has ever
enjoyed Katy only by making up a feeling of happiness by controlling my
thoughts but we play in different realms of consciousness and dimension. WELL
if the Satanic Devil worshiping child abusing adulteress way she carries on why
would I GOD want to be in a connected dimension? NO the answer to this is I
don’t, I wanted a human experience Neigh I am sent here for a human experience
and KATY has offered the most disgusting program of human experience all the
wrongs and evil but as far as a good human experience is concerned that never
existed. Does this mean Katy is not human? I don’t know why can’t the biggest
‘mouth’ in Music explain anything in English? I want these questions answered ~
I have a right to have these questions answered. The people will follow the
Lord, He will roar like a lion. Hosea 11: vs 10 KATY PERRY 'Grace of GOD' the earth is the Lord’s and
everything in it, the world and all Who live in it. Psalm 24: vs 1 THE GOSPEL
the Word, and the Word was with GOD, and the Word was GOD. He was with GOD in
the beginning. Through him all things were made; without him nothing was made
that has been made. In him was life, and that life was the light of all
mankind. The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome
it. There was a man sent from GOD whose name was John. He came as a witness to
testify concerning that light, so that through him all might believe. He
himself was not the light; he came only as a witness to the light. The true
light that gives light to everyone was coming into the world. He was in the
world, and though the world was made through him, the world did not recognise
him. He came to that which was his own, but his own did not receive him, to
those that believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of GOD~
children not born of natural descent, nor of human decision or a husband’s
will, BUT BORN of GOD. Katy did not believe in GOD she believed her GOD was
SATAN and she worshiped SATAN even being his carcass to fuck. Well she is of NO
use to GOD and I abandon all hope in her. GOOD RIDDANCE to BAD RUBBISH. She is
the female SATAN nothing but illusion and veils of lies that upset GOD so much
but finally GOD knows the divine timing of Katy’s exposure and loss of freedom
is here. IAM going to light up the children she has placed in darkness and I
want her thought of as MYRA HINDLEY child murderer because she has murdered the
natural life in her victims of paedophilia as she has murdered a part of my
life, do not expect forgiveness Katy it is undeserved. John Rumary1 second ago
educate yourself on this and do the research. LINKS BELOW FOR RESEARCH! -
RESEARCH "DIA". DIA Horse of the Apocalypse PRISM ECHELON HOLLYWOOD REVELATIONS - The Watchmen and The New
World Order The REAL TRUTH Behind
Illuminati Symbolism: Rise of The New World Religion • Category o News & Politics • Licence o
Standard YouTube Licence Comments • 5,288 Add a public comment... John Rumary1
second ago Of course the real story is much worse Katy Perry unleashed the 4
horseman of the Apocalypse in Royal Tunbridge Wells and me and TAYLOR SWIFT had
to fight them to the death GOD NOW you know why BadBlood vid was made. Our Katy
is a one what shall we do with her? 1 John Rumary1 second ago SATANIC
year ago Satan's a bitch, he knows his time's coming to a close, so he's
throwing everything at us. Keep your head up, his time is short. 242 Madwalka2
months ago Another wannabe tough Christian. You're the bitch! 1 huntman14122
weeks ago you say it doesn't matter if you believe Jesus or the bible, but
that's really all that matters. Mohammad mehdi1 week ago I’m in the
Perry Interview admitting she is a slut
but true" side of YouTube again and I think that’s enough of the internet today,
ciao guys!! Adarsh Yadav1 month ago Ha-ha I guess you earned a lot by just
talking nonsense and getting 1 million plus views HAARP installations.
Show less
Isn't this "By the grace of
god" instead of "Grace of God"?

Yes. It’s by the grace of God. You’re

God saved
my life. One day at school I decided when I got home I was going to kill
myself. I had made an elaborate plan and everything. The reason why I lived for
so long was because of God he inspired me and gave me the hope to move forward
but it didn't last. Before I got home I prayed to God 'if this path isn’t meant
for me then give me a sign' I felt discouraged and even more helpless when I
got no sign or signal. My parent are divorced and it was my dad’s week so last
minute I got an email for my mom saying I was going home with her. And I
realized that this was the sign. Most of you now are probably like how is that
a sign, well the pills were at my dad’s house and my plan could only work if I
was there.

Read more
all 5 replies 
YOU saved yourself
That is an amazing story. God
works in ways that are much higher above our own plans, he will always have a
way out even if we feel like giving up sometimes. Have an amazing life and
never give up hope.
I just
now realized this song is about depression and suicide "a long vacation didn’t
sound so bad" "lying on the bathroom floor" "I looked in
the mirror and decided to stay"

Read more
Yup... It's a very sad song Katy Perry is helping out a
bunch of medical students with their anatomical studies by professionally
modelling for medical blogs and pin boards. Katy does find herself in some
rather red faced positions like smear tests and self-inspections of the breasts
and vagina and has even had to insert a thermometer deep into her rectum
complaining that it felt too cold and immediately withdrew it and sucked it
warm under her tongue. Katy's own experience & knowledge of how it goes in
front of a camera particularly likes the prostate self-testing move where she
has to take an erect penis deep into her mouth and gently suck some drops from
the male urethra then after collecting a decent sample spits out onto a saucer
for the students to test for irregular cells and Katy being Katy has actually
swallowed more drops than she has provided and for a boring old medical blog
uses her own style to liven up the photographs by pulling funny faces like the
copulation technique file as Katy looks really strained as a black medical
student inserts his 9 inch penis inside Katy after lubeing her orifice with a
bottle of olive oil. Good ol Katy Perry livening up even the most boring of
medical blogs. 
Katy Perry UK TV Interview 12/13 Alan carr:-

¥ Where We GO After Death? # Mind Blow|| # Best Documentary 2015 | new ...

The earth is the
And everything
in it,
The world and
Who live in it.
Psalm 24: vs 1

Link Below; BY
THE ‘GRACE of GOD’ Live KATY PERRY, a beautiful ballad written by Katy to
commemorate her coming together in alignment with GOD to say Thank You as I
saved her life by bringing her back from the dead as her life had become so
desperate she wanted to end this one and begin again as an eternal being but I
reminded her she had sold her soul to the devil and until King David of Judea
and our Mother the Virgin Mary could retrieve it she would not be coming back. Katy
honoured her pledge to GOD for helping save her life by writing GODS favourite
ballad and also gave her soul to him to inhabit the aura of GOD along with the
other lost souls GOD is normally pleased to receive as GOD always makes merry
of any seemingly impossible situation to bare for e.g. KATY’s SOUL gave GOD a
taste of what being bipolar effective disorder and OCD is like HA HA BUTT GOD
learns quickly to live with it as once you have received the soul of one
bloodthirsty Transylvanian Transvestite COUNT DRACULA and learnt to live at
night feeling very bloodthirsty and by daylight spend your day within a small
enclosed ‘coffin’ butt controlling any urges to bite flesh. That was until GOD
began working for KATY PERRY when he married her in June 2014 especially in the
promotional photographic section where (don’t say a word to Katy) Katy’s photos
bring on a special urge to plunge the two front incisors of GODS big mouth into
Katy’s quite beautifully soft and welcoming neck!! And take a drink in the
‘last chance saloon’ (for KATY anyway GOD is well and truly a Vampire).

Katy Perry all
that you think you own and the $125,000,000 PA you don't tits all mine you
merely looked after tit for me as I am the worlds landlord and KATY THE RENT IS
#OMG #OMFG AND YOU ARE GOING TO PAY if not I will take your soul to New York
and stay for a few nights at my mistresses apartment and as you physical Katy
can see out of GODS eyes as you are ISIS the Goddess of Magic so expect me to
creep down Taylor Swift’s bedroom at night (not only for a pint of neck
#BADBLOOD) for what could be worse than KATY PERRY’s worse mortal enemy being
rogued by your husband and having to watch the sleek almost purrfect curves of
the blonde bombshell from Pennsylvania naked licking GOD crazy from Top to
Bottom whilst the best Katy can do is have an affair with an ugly middle earth
Dwarf Hobbit Elf out of work Actor who has 3 timed you and only a matter of
weeks ago was not only accused of two timing Katy with photoshoot to match Katy
got the ‘proof is in the pudding’ mortal embarrassment of yet another long
agonising queue at the STD clinic filling her adult nappies with green slime as
she caught a dose of Gonnoreah off him to sign for a large dose of Penicillin
and find herself an Adulteress sentenced to death by stoning by great Muslim
Prophet of Islam the IMAM Sheik of Tikrit. Here GOD has prepared Revenge Porn
and Blogs and Vlogs for your perusal being published on social media tonight
and presented to the British Police Force as evidence of Katy being a Satanic
Illuminati Devil Worshiping Black Occult Magic Witch ~ the WHORE of BABYLON and
one time Satan’s Whore (wife) as you also became a bigamist when you married
GOD as you were Satan’s wife at the time:-
Prepare yourself to be with God I am eternal, I am immortal,
I am ever present, I am elevated, a beam of light and a companion of the light
of the World, the power of God’s love is above you Katy showering down upon you
for you to bathe in my light. Feel me spreading thru you restoring your
equilibrium, restoring your awareness to return to your body.
The earth is the
And everything
in it,
The world and
Who live in it.
Psalm 24: vs 1

The people will
follow the Lord,
He will roar
like a lion.
Hosea 11: vs 10

The earth is the
And everything
in it,
The world and
Who live in it.
Psalm 24: vs 1

In the beginning
was the Word, and the Word was with GOD, and the Word was GOD. He was with GOD
in the beginning. Through him all things were made; without him nothing was
made that has been made. In him was life, and that life was the light of all
mankind. The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome
There was a man
sent from GOD whose name was John. He came as a witness to testify concerning
that light, so that through him all might believe. He himself was not the
light; he came only as a witness to the light.
The true light
that gives light to everyone was coming into the world. He was in the world,
and though the world was made through him, the world did not recognise him. He
came to that which was his own, but his own did not receive him, to those that
believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of GOD~ children not
born of natural descent, nor of human decision or a husband’s will, BUT BORN of
GOD. (That’s how it could be ISIS or see below).

Katy did not
believe in GOD she believed her GOD was SATAN and she worshiped SATAN even
being his carcass to fuck. Well she is of NO use to GOD and I abandon all hope
in her. GOOD RIDDANCE to BAD RUBBISH. She is the female SATAN nothing but
illusion and veils of lies that upset GOD so much but finally GOD knows the
divine timing of Katy’s exposure and loss of freedom is here. IAM going to
light up the children she has placed in darkness and I want her thought of as
MYRA HINDLEY child murderer because she has murdered the natural life in her
victims of paedophilia as she has murdered a part of my life, do not expect
forgiveness Katy it is undeserved.


SEE COMMENTS: Above the latest real gossip + links on Katy Perry the
Whore of Babylon ~ spreading plague by unprotected sex with strangers, Taylor
Swift stealing Katy's husband after landing a feud blow with #BADBLOOD Katy
Perry having SEX with the Devil and Satanic Sexual rituals with KATY PERRY
inserting a horses penis inside her warm wet Vagina for the camera and Katy
Perry breaking the GUINNESS Book of records by being able to watch her have
Anal Sex on a 1Billion websites. Katy Perry an MK Ultra Monarch mind controlled
victim learning to become the handler on an evil mind control program for JESUS
CHRIST of PALESTINE, Kay's WAR with Taylor Swift who partnered Katy's husband
to demolish the KATY PERRY MUSIC MOGUL EMPIRE as Taylor and Caesar. KATY comes
close to destroying mankind and Planet Earth at the Superbowl 49ers and
eventually her husband contacting the Police over Katy's child sex abuse and
Paedophilia. AND MORE MUCH MORE. KATY PERRY is proved to be the WHORE of
BABYLON who gets degraded, defiled and abused in extreme snuff porno shoots
usually with 2 black cocks up her ASSHOLE having to smile and laugh for the
camera to keep her POP career going. GOD washes his hands of the #BadBlood Katy
spilt on them with her EVIL nonsensical behaviours as SATANS Whore
section on perry
fuck me.
@KatyPerryHooker @katyperryfashn @katyperryfashn6 @KatyCatsFashn911 @HermesDesigner
@LouisLeGrande13 @SupermodelKaty1 @SupermodelKaty @KingZeusKatycat @ErzulieKatyPute
 @katyperrysex666 @KatyPerryTramp
@KatyPerryHarlot @katyperrysfash @katyperryfashn1 @fashnkatyperry @NY_Rumary @DEVINESTJOHN1
@LouisDieudone14 KATY PERRY pictured above showing off her 'devil wears @PRADA
' HOT madeover body #PEACOCK @orlandobloom picked her up @Orlaty1 ADULTERESS
@katyperrypute #SLUT
fuck me @KatyPerryTramp @katyperryfashn @KatyCatsFashn911
acts a Peacock in her 'Devil wears @PRADA' $100,000 Red Carpet Gown 4 the
peanut gallery + 4 her husband @GOD2KATYI5I5 @KingzeusKatycat but gets picked
up by @Orlaty1 instead + begins well reported public affair ignoring her
husband + torturing him with @KatyPerry3Porn @Orlaty1 @KatyPerryTramp
@katyperrysex666 KATY is a Psychopath/Sociopath/child sex abuser/Satanist/demon
infested Whore of Babylon @katyperry is an ADULTERESS 'stone her 2 death' Blogs
the Sheik of Tikrit Allah fearing Blogger from ISLAM after Katy Perry baits the
Muslim warriors trying to rally them into Jihad in America and throughout the
Middle East in the comments disqus section under her HD photo having unprotected
naked Anal Sex on

@SupermodelKaty @katyperry @KatyPerry3Porn @Orlaty1
@katyperrypute @KatyPerrySatan @KatyPerry3Sporn @KingZeusKatycat
@KatyIsMyBaby666 @OlDirtyBastdGOD @GOD2KATYI5I5 
@katyperryfashn @ErzulieKatyPute 
@katyperrysex666 @KatyPerryTramp @KatyPerryHarlot @damballah