Thursday 18 August 2016

Katy Perry Satanic Anti-Christ

The earth is the Lord’s
And everything in it,
The world and all
Who live in it.
Psalm 24: vs 1

Link Below; BY THE ‘GRACE of GOD’ Live KATY PERRY, a beautiful ballad written by Katy to commemorate her coming together in alignment with GOD to say Thank You as I saved her life by bringing her back from the dead as her life had become so desperate she wanted to end this one and begin again as an eternal being but I reminded her she had sold her soul to the devil and until King David of Judea and our Mother the Virgin Mary could retrieve it she would not be coming back. Katy honoured her pledge to GOD for helping save her life by writing GODS favourite ballad and also gave her soul to him to inhabit the aura of GOD along with the other lost souls GOD is normally pleased to receive as GOD always makes merry of any seemingly impossible situation to bare for e.g. KATY’s SOUL gave GOD a taste of what being bipolar effective disorder and OCD is like HA HA BUTT GOD learns quickly to live with it as once you have received the soul of one bloodthirsty Transylvanian Transvestite COUNT DRACULA and learnt to live at night feeling very bloodthirsty and by daylight spend your day within a small enclosed ‘coffin’ butt controlling any urges to bite flesh. That was until GOD began working for KATY PERRY when he married her in June 2014 especially in the promotional photographic section where (don’t say a word to Katy) Katy’s photos bring on a special urge to plunge the two front incisors of GODS big mouth into Katy’s quite beautifully soft and welcoming neck!! And take a drink in the ‘last chance saloon’ (for KATY anyway GOD is well and truly a Vampire).

Katy Perry all that you think you own and the $125,000,000 PA you don't tits all mine you merely looked after tit for me as I am the worlds landlord and KATY THE RENT IS DUE ~ I WANT FAIRLY & SQUARELY MY $125,000,000 THAT YOU OWE ME GOD #GOD #OMG #OMFG AND YOU ARE GOING TO PAY if not I will take your soul to New York and stay for a few nights at my mistresses apartment and as you physical Katy can see out of GODS eyes as you are ISIS the Goddess of Magic so expect me to creep down Taylor Swift’s bedroom at night (not only for a pint of neck #BADBLOOD) for what could be worse than KATY PERRY’s worse mortal enemy being rogued by your husband and having to watch the sleek almost purrfect curves of the blonde bombshell from Pennsylvania naked licking GOD crazy from Top to Bottom whilst the best Katy can do is have an affair with an ugly middle earth Dwarf Hobbit Elf out of work Actor who has 3 timed you and only a matter of weeks ago was not only accused of two timing Katy with photoshoot to match Katy got the ‘proof is in the pudding’ mortal embarrassment of yet another long agonising queue at the STD clinic filling her adult nappies with green slime as she caught a dose of Gonnoreah off him to sign for a large dose of Penicillin and find herself an Adulteress sentenced to death by stoning by great Muslim Prophet of Islam the IMAM Sheik of Tikrit. Here GOD has prepared Revenge Porn and Blogs and Vlogs for your perusal being published on social media tonight and presented to the British Police Force as evidence of Katy being a Satanic Illuminati Devil Worshiping Black Occult Magic Witch ~ the WHORE of BABYLON and one time Satan’s Whore (wife) as you also became a bigamist when you married GOD as you were Satan’s wife at the time:-
Prepare yourself to be with God I am eternal, I am immortal, I am ever present, I am elevated, a beam of light and a companion of the light of the World, the power of God’s love is above you Katy showering down upon you for you to bathe in my light. Feel me spreading thru you restoring your equilibrium, restoring your awareness to return to your body.
The earth is the Lord’s
And everything in it,
The world and all
Who live in it.
Psalm 24: vs 1

The people will
follow the Lord,
He will roar like a lion.
Hosea 11: vs 10

The earth is the Lord’s
And everything in it,
The world and all
Who live in it.
Psalm 24: vs 1

In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with GOD, and the Word was GOD. He was with GOD in the beginning. Through him all things were made; without him nothing was made that has been made. In him was life, and that life was the light of all mankind. The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it.
There was a man sent from GOD whose name was John. He came as a witness to testify concerning that light, so that through him all might believe. He himself was not the light; he came only as a witness to the light.
The true light that gives light to everyone was coming into the world. He was in the world, and though the world was made through him, the world did not recognise him. He came to that which was his own, but his own did not receive him, to those that believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of GOD~ children not born of natural descent, nor of human decision or a husband’s will, BUT BORN of GOD. (That’s how it could be ISIS or see below).

Katy did not believe in GOD she believed her GOD was SATAN and she worshiped SATAN even being his carcass to fuck. Well she is of NO use to GOD and I abandon all hope in her. GOOD RIDDANCE to BAD RUBBISH. She is the female SATAN nothing but illusion and veils of lies that upset GOD so much but finally GOD knows the divine timing of Katy’s exposure and loss of freedom is here. IAM going to light up the children she has placed in darkness and I want her thought of as MYRA HINDLEY child murderer because she has murdered the natural life in her victims of paedophilia as she has murdered a part of my life, do not expect forgiveness Katy it is undeserved.


SEE COMMENTS: Above the latest real gossip + links on Katy Perry the Whore of Babylon ~ spreading plague by unprotected sex with strangers, Taylor Swift stealing Katy's husband after landing a feud blow with #BADBLOOD Katy Perry having SEX with the Devil and Satanic Sexual rituals with KATY PERRY inserting a horses penis inside her warm wet Vagina for the camera and Katy Perry breaking the GUINNESS Book of records by being able to watch her have Anal Sex on a 1Billion websites. Katy Perry an MK Ultra Monarch mind controlled victim learning to become the handler on an evil mind control program for JESUS CHRIST of PALESTINE, Kay's WAR with Taylor Swift who partnered Katy's husband to demolish the KATY PERRY MUSIC MOGUL EMPIRE as Taylor and Caesar. KATY comes close to destroying mankind and Planet Earth at the Superbowl 49ers and eventually her husband contacting the Police over Katy's child sex abuse and Paedophilia. AND MORE MUCH MORE. KATY PERRY is proved to be the WHORE of BABYLON who gets degraded, defiled and abused in extreme snuff porno shoots usually with 2 black cocks up her ASSHOLE having to smile and laugh for the camera to keep her POP career going. GOD washes his hands of the #BadBlood Katy spilt on them with her EVIL nonsensical behaviours as SATANS Whore (YASSMINEKATYCAT REAL UNPROTECTED SEX WITH THE DEVIL). Just see comments section on perry
fuck me. @KatyPerryHooker @katyperryfashn @katyperryfashn6 @KatyCatsFashn911 @HermesDesigner @LouisLeGrande13 @SupermodelKaty1 @SupermodelKaty @KingZeusKatycat @ErzulieKatyPute  @katyperrysex666 @KatyPerryTramp @KatyPerryHarlot @katyperrysfash @katyperryfashn1 @fashnkatyperry @NY_Rumary @DEVINESTJOHN1 @LouisDieudone14 KATY PERRY pictured above showing off her 'devil wears @PRADA ' HOT madeover body #PEACOCK @orlandobloom picked her up @Orlaty1 ADULTERESS @katyperrypute #SLUT
fuck me @KatyPerryTramp @katyperryfashn @KatyCatsFashn911 acts a Peacock in her 'Devil wears @PRADA' $100,000 Red Carpet Gown 4 the peanut gallery + 4 her husband @GOD2KATYI5I5 @KingzeusKatycat but gets picked up by @Orlaty1 instead + begins well reported public affair ignoring her husband + torturing him with @KatyPerry3Porn @Orlaty1 @KatyPerryTramp @katyperrysex666 KATY is a Psychopath/Sociopath/child sex abuser/Satanist/demon infested Whore of Babylon @katyperry is an ADULTERESS 'stone her 2 death' Blogs the Sheik of Tikrit Allah fearing Blogger from ISLAM after Katy Perry baits the Muslim warriors trying to rally them into Jihad in America and throughout the Middle East in the comments disqus section under her HD photo having unprotected naked Anal Sex on

@SupermodelKaty @katyperry @KatyPerry3Porn @Orlaty1 @katyperrypute @KatyPerrySatan @KatyPerry3Sporn @KingZeusKatycat @KatyIsMyBaby666 @OlDirtyBastdGOD @GOD2KATYI5I5  @katyperryfashn @ErzulieKatyPute  @katyperrysex666 @KatyPerryTramp @KatyPerryHarlot @damballah @lordgodzeus

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